London Maccabi Vale Cricket Club

London Maccabi Vale Cricket Club News story


17 Sep 2021

Dear all,

Shana Tova/Chag Sameach.

The 2021 season finished last Sunday in fitting style with the 2nd team comprising 8 under 18 players and the young at heart Jon Feigenbaum beating a strong Edgware team by 20 runs (Adam Spooner 62, Benjy Lovat 4-13).

For context, Edgware had beaten Belmont & Edgware the week before by 264 runs...

So ends a great season at all levels with, by my reckoning, over 80 matches played and more than 100 people representing the club.

I will have a chance to properly do so at the AGM (on which see below), but I want also to take this opportunity to express a massive thank you on behalf of the whole club to the Committee and other volunteers who have put in such an amazing shift this summer to make it all happen. We really do have a club to be proud of, and so much to build on.

Speaking of the AGM, I will next week send out a formal invite. We really would like you all to attend this year, both to make sure you can hear about the season just gone, but equally importantly to get your feedback and input on future plans. It will take place in person at Rowley Lane from 8pm and, in case you need any further incentive, refreshments will be served (!) Please do come along.

Best regards,

Alex Haffner
Club Chair