London Maccabi Vale Cricket Club

London Maccabi Vale Cricket Club News story


28 Nov 2021

Dear all

Hope you're keeping well and wishing you a Chag Sameach for this evening.

As you know ,we had our AGM at the end of last month where we appointed an all-star new committee and also celebrated a very successful 2021 season.

 Mazel Tov in particular to the award winners: Adam Spooner (Player of the Season), Benjy Lovat (most improved player) and David "the mensch" Marks (contribution to Vale).

In case you haven't head, we are also thrilled to confirm at the AGM that An(Tony) Wise has been formally appointed as Vale's first ever fully paid up Head of Colts to build on all the incredible work we has been doing (mostly unpaid!..) over the past few seasons.

Speaking of the Colts, all parents should have received details from An(Tony) about nets on Monday nights at Yavneh College starting on 24 January 2022. Please can you sign-up by responding to him/filling out your membership forms ASAP.

We'll be in touch again soon with all the other arrangements for next season, but in the meantime stay safe and well and if you have any friends or contacts who would be interested in getting involved, please let us know.

Best regards,

Alex Haffner
Club Chair