London Maccabi Vale Cricket Club

London Maccabi Vale Cricket Club News story


17 Dec 2023

Dear all

I hope you all had a lovely Chanukah?

Junior nets start up again every Monday night from 8 January 2024 - 8 April 2024  in the following slots:

6-7.15pm - U11s for those aged 8+ (we'll carry over the session for those who can't quite make it for 6pm)

7-8pm  - U13s and U15s

Cost £130. Please can you help us by paying these fees into the LMV a/c asap as we have already paid the hall hire.

A reminder that we will be moving to the main Sports Hall at JFS School - The Mall, Kenton HA3 9TE.

This is the first stage of what we hope will be a long-term relationship with JFS to include a new cricket ground there. 

Please get your kids along to these important sessions in the build up to the league season where all our teams are playing in the highest Middx League divisions they have ever done.

In the meantime have a great festive season and a happy new year.

Alex Haffner

Club Chair