London Maccabi Vale Cricket Club

London Maccabi Vale Cricket Club News story


21 Apr 2024

Dear all

Junior training is now well under way and great to see a record turn out at U11 training this morning. Reminder we're on every Sunday 10-11am U11s (up to year 6), 11-12pm U13/U15 (year 7-year 10) at Rowley Lane Sports Ground.

Junior league matches start this Thursday with our U11 team in action and then the U13/U15 start their league campaign the week after. PLEASE CAN ALL PARENTS FILL OUT AVAILABILITY ON PITCHERO ASAP AS WE USE THIS TO PICK TEAMS...

We have taken delivery of our new HW Fisher sponsored shirts which will be given (only) to those who have fully paid up subs:
*£210 Junior Summer season
*£210/£150 adults/students for all adult team training and matches (includes new shirt) OR
*£25 membership fee (includes new shirt) +
*£15 per match/£10 students
£5 per training session

On the adult teams side, our first friendly today was called off - probably a blessing given the outside temperatures! We therefore kick off next Sunday at 12pm vs Thespians at Southgate CC.

Finally, I wanted to report on the good news that Brian Sylvester has returned home after an extended hospital stay and we wish him and his family well with his continued recover.

Chag sameach to all of you.

Best regards,

Alex Haffner
Club Chair